Wednesday, October 17, 2012

I've stopped sending the transcriptions to the director. This is far too important to waste on this miserable excuse of an organization. I'm keeping the original journal. This could be the key to saving our world.

Consider this my official resignation.

Agent Leo Church

Monday, October 15, 2012

July 29

The facility is gone. Everything is gone. I'm sitting on a rock watching the world disappear.

I guess I ended up taking the third option after all.

I wonder what disappearing will feel like. To have never existed.

There's nothing I can do any more. I tried. I tried to save them. 

“We will never fully understand them. Never fully control it.”

July 28

They're gone.

I woke up this morning and the entire camp was gone. Every single agent.

I'm alone.

Friday, October 12, 2012

July 27 - Part 2

Dad disappeared when I was too young to even remember him. I was always the unwanted kid whose dad had walked out. Mom did her best, but everyone laughs at the boy playing catch with his mom. I just wanted a normal family.

I started looking for him in high school. Mom gave me a name and I searched every website I could find. I never found any trace of him. Once Mom die was gone I started looking even harder. I had great relatives, they took good care of me, but I never had the family I wanted.

Mr. Smith may have been assigned to evaluate my progress in the facility but

He was the closest thing I ever had to a father.

July 27

I can't stop it.

If I get rid of the last three Fears, the Ravager will return.

If I don't get rid of the last of the Fears, our entire universe will cease to be.

I miss Mr. Smith.

July 24

I keep trying to tell myself this is a trick of the Stranger. It's showing me these images to break my spirit.

But today as I was walking around the camp seeing what progress we're making on finding the Birds and the Shifter without the computer I realized something. Mr. Smith is gone.

I asked someone where he was and they had no idea what I was talking about. No one did. Three other agents are missing as well.

It's getting worse.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

July 23 - Part 2

I don't know what I'm doing anymore.

I thought I was working for a good cause. I thought I was making the world better. But in another week there might not even been a world left.

I'm letting everybody down and they don't even know it.

July 23

The Stranger came to me again. He showed me the path of nothingness.

I'm running out of time.

July 22

We sent an agent into the facility yesterday. He was supposed to check the place out and bring out any information he could. We hoped the people in the facility would ignore one rogue agent since they didn't do anything to stop the full-on attack.

We were so wrong.

Jenna came to us this morning. She stopped at the edge of our camp and opened a bag she had brought with her. Two heads fell out.

The agent's name was Sean. I don't know who the child was.

Jenna went berserk when the suits tried to restrain her. Three people have been injured and she returned to the facility.

I'm gonna go cry some more.

Monday, October 8, 2012

July 20

I woke up last night and The Stranger was in my tent. It seemed to small for the space and yet he fit. 
He did not speak, but I could feel his words in my head. 
We can stop The Ravager from returning. We can take the third option. I don’t need to erase these people. I don’t need to find away to break The Ravager’s control.
I taunted him. He knew I was winning. The only ones left are him, The Birds and The Shifter. Soon they would all be gone. The world would be free of the Fears.
He showed me the world through his eyes. Empty fields where houses had once stood, blank spaces that were once forests, entire cities wiped clean. It’s a race against time.
No, it’s a lost cause.
No. I will never believe that. 
I tried to erase The Stranger but it flickered away before I could even try. 
I will not take the third option.

July 19 - Part 2

It was still standing there, on the edge of the camp, staring with its eyeless face. 
I yelled at it. Screamed. Demanded it answer me. The suits look at me like I was insane but I knew, I knew it could talk. Communicate. Something.
It just stood and stared.

July 19

We’ve got nothing. No clue. No idea of where to start. I’m the only one who remembers The Ravager and I didn’t know that much to begin with.
I wish The Water were still around.
Goddamnit, no. No. I will not regret. They are all monsters and all must be erased. There are others I can get information from.
I’m going to talk to The Stranger.

July 18

The assault failed. 
No, didn’t fail. 
I called it off. 
We had a few snipers taking out people through the windows. They hadn’t posted guards. I thought they weren’t expecting an attack. 
The Ravager is a sick creature. If what The Water said is true, the people in there are all following pre-programmed orders whispered to them by the creature. If that’s true, it can’t be allowed to come back.
When the attack started, a line of people came out and formed rows in front of the door. At first the suits kept on going, then we realized they weren’t fighting back. It knew exactly who to send at us.
It was a line of suits. Each one holding the hand of small child. How cliche can you get? But it worked. They’re counting on me to save them, I can’t command them to kill children. I couldn’t even erase them. 
We need to find a way to break The Ravager’s control. 
Jenna was with them. She survived The City with me, I won’t forsake her now.

July 17

We’re storming the facility. 
I haven’t told the suits what The Water told me. I’m not even sure I fully believe it. You can’t call a Fear back from the other world. What would be the point in sending them away if they could come back?
We’ll take out the intruders before they can even try.

July 14

The Stranger has taken to standing on the edge of our camp. When the suits get bored they shoot at it, but it never even moves. It doesn’t talk, doesn’t plead, doesn’t threaten. It knows something it isn’t letting me in on. 
That’s not very nice.
Shouldn’t keep secrets.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

July 12

One of the suits, Sarah, came and spoke to me today. I looked into her eyes and The Water looked into me.
We went into some blue world where everything was quiet and soft. I thought the realms were messed up when I erased The City?
It is not a realm. It is more. It is The Water and it is Legion.
“I am one of Them and you have no reason to trust me, but you must listen. You have sent The Ravager from this world but his whisperings remain. They rest in the subconscious of all those he has touched, waiting to be triggered. Even though he is gone, he has taken your facility. He will wait until you have destroyed us all, then his controlled will summon him back to this world and he will rule it all.”
I laughed at her. They couldn’t summon it back. How would they even know how? Besides, all we had to do was take out its minions and that would be that.
“Could you do that? Kill innocent humans? Kill the people you mean to protect from us? They have lives. Families. This behavior is an unconscious impulse they are forced to obey. Could you kill them for that?”
“I wouldn’t kill them. I’d erase them. No one would miss them. It would be like they’d never existed.”
“In erasing them, they would never have existed. Their children would never have been born. Their grandchild would cease to be. Would you destroy the children for the faults of their ancestors?”
I stared at her. The endless being that spoke through Sarah’s mouth. Could I erase these people to keep The Ravager from returning? Could I stop The Ravager again should it return?
“There is a third option.”
“I won’t join you.”
“That was never an option. Just an empty promise to weaken your guard.”
I held out my hand. It hesitated. Backed away.

"The third option–"
I took a step forward. I was on the hill, talking to Sarah’s empty body. Some suits took her away to be buried.
I will never take the third option.

July 11

Apparently the invaders are acting in accordance with those affected by The Ravager's whisperings. Mr. Smith calls them possessed. He remembers the effects, but not the cause.

We're trying to do some research, but most of the resources are stuck in the facility and The Ravager's memory only exists in my head. 

Needless to say, we're not making much progress.

July 10

A gang? Throng? Army? 
A large group of people swarmed the facility two nights ago. They were armed with knives and axes and saws and branches and guns and rakes and all sorts of garbage. It was like they’d just grabbed whatever was closest when they left the house. 
The suits on guard were slaughtered. Dozens were dead before the alarm was even sounded. A couple of the suits had grabbed their guns and joined the invaders. We evacuated. They did not pursue. 
They’ve taken over the facility.

Monday, September 24, 2012

July 8

We’re camped up on a hill a few miles from the facility. We were attacked. Still trying to figure out what happened.
Those Birds followed us. I got rid of them and more came. They keep watching us. What for?

July 6

The Birds are still sitting outside my window. I've taken to standing in the yard and shooting at their tree. They just stare back at me.

July 5

We went after The Whispers today. Their mold has been spreading into the facility. It’s screwing with people. They took spray bottles of that toxic gas along. If I couldn’t get rid of them, we were at least going to de-mold the place.
I did get rid of The Whispers, but they did not go quietly.
They aren’t fighters. They weren’t here to attack me directly like the others apparently want to do. They just couldn’t leave. 
It would seem erasing The City messed with their individual realms. They can’t travel as easily. The Shadows helped me more than they knew. 
The Whispers said the rest of the Fears were headed this way. Slowly but surely, they would come to stop me. This world would be theirs. And if I would stop this and join them, they could stop my world from being erased. 
They’re lying. Nothing can stop this. My only chance is to get rid of them all. Get rid of the trigger and stop the reset. 
The suits cleared out the mold and I erased The Whispers so they couldn’t spread themselves again.

July 2

The Stranger’s been hanging around the facility. They all have. 
The suits keep pushing me to go out with a party and deal with them. They don’t know what I’ve done, not like the Fears do. They don’t know that this isn’t just a slip-up, this is a warning. 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

July 1 - Part 2

The suits were all very confused as to what I’d been doing in a holding cell. I see no need to tell them.
That damn flock of finches is still outside the window. Watching me. Judging me. 
“We will never fully understand them. Never fully control it.”

July 1

I met a Carrier of The Birds today. She just walked right up to the front door of the facility and asked to speak with me.
Well, she didn’t ask for me by name. She asked to speak to The Nothing. Bastard.
She didn’t even flinch at all the suits pointing guns as she walked in. Just said that even if we killed her it would not hurt her master.
The suits gave us a holding room to talk in. The Carrier was actually pretty cute. A blonde wearing a flowery sundress. Her arms were covered in scars where hundreds of birds had ripped out of her, but even those scars looked soft. It had probably sent her on purpose. She may have been in our facility, but I was the one it was trying to break.
She told me quite a bit. Erasing The City had affected the rest of the Fears. They remembered it? Of course they remembered it. They’re more than human. Their minds are so much greater.
They will win. They always win. She says I can’t stop the end of the world, but that doesn’t mean I won’t try. I was being asked to join them. They could help me stop the world from ceasing to be. All I was doing was inflicting the Fears upon another world prematurely. If I joined them….
A drop of water landed on her lap, turning the flower petal black. I looked up and noticed she was crying. 
She said we were similar. “We both hold the powers of Fear. We can even control it. But we will never fully understand them. Never fully control it.” And she took my hand.
And was gone. 

June 30

The Stranger was in my room. 
I woke up and he was just standing at the foot of my bed. He vanished before I’d woken up enough to do anything about it. 
The Birds were outside my window this morning.
It manifested as a mass of finches. They’re trying to mess with me. Get in my head. It’s not going to work. 
There was a grey mold growing over the outside of the building. The Whispers.
They’re gathering. They know what I’ve done. What I’m doing. They’re going to try to stop me. 
Let them try.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

June 28 - Part 3

We were right. 
Because they are creations of The City and not beings of their own, The Shadows will disappear if I can erase The City. 
And they told me how to do it.
They are victims of The City and by helping me they end their own forced existence. 
They opened a Door.
The City knew what I had come to do. It became a pool of lava, a jungle of vicious creatures I’ve never seen before and will never see again. It tempted me and taunted me. My childhood home. My school. My apartment. My girlfriend’s house where I’d hidden from consoling relatives the summer my mother died. 
A Shadow stood beside me and it was not my own. It told me what I had to do.
I found the maze and followed it. Left. Right. Right. Right. Left. Left. Right. Left. Left. Right. Right. Left. And on and on and on with the Shadow giving me directions. 
I arrived in the most magnificent place. A giant garden with plants of so many different shapes and colors it would take me years to describe them all. And in the center of the garden was a great tree. It was gold and had silver leaves and it seemed so peaceful. While all around the garden the landscape shifted and changed. 
A city. A mountain range. A field. An ocean. A war-torn land scape. The bowels of Hell.
Inside the garden, everything was still. This was the center of The City. I touched the tree.
I’m in the middle of some small mountain town. Called the suits to come pick me up. 
The City and The Shadows are now gone. 
I wonder if there were any other people trapped in The City? I wonder what happened to them?

June 28 - Part 2

The Shadows came to me. 
Not all of them. They are too many. They are not Fears. They are remnants of those the Fears have hunted. They are all that is left of those The City consumes. 
They asked for my help. 

June 28

I have no idea what just happened.

June 25

All of this waiting is driving me insane.

June 21

We’re at a bit of a stand-still. 
Only seven Fears left to deal with. We’re half-way done. 
The problem now is getting the last of them.
The Stranger - Didn’t show up for our first appointment. We have yet to reschedule.
The Shifter - Hard to actually find. Apparently there are different pieces of it. Gotta find the main one.
The Water - Also hard to find. We need the source. I’ve seen into her mind. She is Legion. 
The City - Can I erase The City while I’m in it? Do I have to attack it through a Door? How does one erase a city?
The Birds - Another case of “how do we find the source?” The hollowed-out people contain parts of the whole, we need to find where they come from. That one will be a little sad as well. I always liked birds.
The Whispers - They know what I am and they’ve failed to control me before, so they’ll be less likely to come to us. The computer is tracking it right now.
The Shadows - There are so many of them. They are all individuals. Hopefully once The City is gone, they will follow.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

June 18

Dealt with the Ravager today. Much more straightforward.
We swept the woods, he showed up all growling and snarling and sharp claws. There was some gun fire. There was some screaming.
Long story short, no more Ravager. 
And we didn’t lose a single suit. 

June 17 - Part 2

It’s a game isn’t it?
The Librarian was playing with me. He was putting on an act. Making me sympathetic towards him. Playing the “pity me I’m old and blind” role. 
They are evil.
They are all evil.
and I’m one of them

June 17

I filed the official report on The Librarian today so I guess I should actually talk about what happened. No one else remembers he it even existed. No one but me will care about what actually happened.
I ended up in his its “realm”. The giant Library. Not really the most threatening place. A little dark. Some freaky looking spiders. Lots of books. Then again, he really wasn’t the most threatening Fear I’ve ever seen. The pictures they showed me made him look more… I don’t even know.
He was an old man. A blind old man sitting at a little wooden table reading a book. I don’t even know that he was reading it. He just stared at it. Didn’t even look up when I finally wandered up to the table.
“I knew you would come.”
I’ve never really quoted anyone in here before, but those words were so… I don’t even know. There’s so much I don’t really understand. He didn’t resist. Didn’t argue. Didn’t fight. 
In fact, he commended me. Apparently I’ve taken to my role better than any of the others before me. Most of the hosts don’t even get told what’s going on. It’s generally a passive power. It slowly erodes everything. He was proud of me for taking the initiative. 
He called me his brother.
And he was gone. And I was standing in a dark corner of a local library staring at some perfectly ordinary spider webs. I hadn’t meant to…

June 16 - Part 2

We're going after the The Ravager next. It's been spotted in those ridiculous woods outside the facility.

Monday, September 17, 2012

June 16

We hit the libraries again today. Apparently I almost ended up in The Librarian’s Library (that seems quite redundant) last time we went exploring. So we started there today.
(There are a numer of marks along the rest of the page, as if the author attempted to write something but could not.)

June 13

He came. 
We knew he would.
We were ready.
The former-Nurses are being debriefed and sent back to their positions. They have a lot of oath breaking to make up for. 
“Do no harm” my ass.

June 11

We spent the day exploring hospitals. 
Apparently some of The Doctor’s followers work in hospitals, corrupting the system and abusing the patients. We can’t have that now can we?
Must have visited every hospital in the city. No Doctor. We did round up a bunch of his followers though. Cleared out an entire hospital on the East Side. The suits are calling the higher-ups and getting the place re-staffed. 
We’ve got the Nurses (that’s what I’m calling them, screw the suits and their stupid names) locked up in the facility.
Hoping the Doctor will come back for them.

June 10

Good-bye Miss Puppeteer.
Apparently she didn’t get the memo to avoid me that The Stranger got. They pulled the same trick as last time. Released a few of her puppets and let me work out some frustration on them. 
And she came running. That “pity me” look didn’t even phase me this time. She’s gone.
Her puppets were released as soon as she vanished. None of them remember what happened to them. The suits are working on returning them to their families. 
At least they’re good for something.

June 8

Went after the big suit today. The Stranger.
We already knew he had territory nearby, they let me “accidentally” wander into it on my first outing. Mr. Smith and Jenna went with me. They gave us four other suits. They seem to love sending these guys out to die. Bunch of insufferable bastards.
Wandered right into his territory. Took all his dead bodies off the trees. Even had the audacity to bury them on his land. The thing didn’t even have the decency to show. I didn’t think asking the murder to show up at the funeral would be too much to ask.
I’m getting real tired of things in suits.

June 7

So I got to speak to everyone. Well, everyone important. 
The Director, Agent Lin Noble (head of this facility), they even got the big-wigs from the main branch on the video screen. Stereotypical black screens with disembodied voices. I called them out on it. How are we supposed to know The Whispers aren’t interfering if we can’t see them talk?
Bunch of old, white dudes. This organization is a walking cliche. 
I gave them a condensed version of what The Water told me. I could make it so the Fears had never existed. Even now there were three Fears missing from their records. Three god-like creatures that I’d made disappear. Of course they didn’t believe me. 
I told Mr. Smith that The Hound had injured our dead suits. He didn’t remember. Exactly.
Apparently I’m bad at logic. But they finally gave in. I neglected to mention the Fear-power part and the possible-end-world-scenario part. 
We’re going back to testing. Exposing me to the Fears. Hoping they’ll come after me now that they know what I am. They don’t want this world to end. They have a foothold here. That’s why The City let us out (we think) it didn’t want the world to cease-to-be while we were running around it hunting Fears.
One of the big-wigs wants to know why The City didn’t just kill me.
The Hound tried that. “What’s the Hound?” Exactly.

June 6

That went well.
Let’s get back to testing.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

June 5

We’re somewhere in the flatlands. 
Found a paper. It’s June 5. Apparently time moves faster in The City than in the real world. 
Mr. Smith found a car rental place. Flashed a badge. We’re on our way back to the facility. 
I need to figure out what I’m gonna say.

The Day I Found a Door

I found a door. In the middle of the forest. Mr. Smith says it’s a Door. A Door in and out of The City. 
It’s letting us go. Why?
The female suit, Jenna, is coming with us. The others didn’t survive their injuries. Mr. Smith and Jenna are both confused as to how they got injuried in the first place. I said I’d explain later. 
For now, we’re getting out of here.
They’re names were Robert and Neil.

The "Day" After

I should tell them shouldn’t I?
They’re dying fighting to protect me in the hope that I’ll be able to save them from the Fears. I should tell them what’s really going to happen. Let them go home to their families. Assuming they even have families.
They don’t remember The Reaper. They don’t even remember our fight with The Hound. If I could get rid of all the Fears they would forget they had ever existed. They could be happy in the world’s final days. 
Maybe if I got rid of all the Fears I could stop the reset. Send the Fears somewhere else and let this reality keep on living. 
We have to get out of The City though. The Water said it was only speeding up the process. 
I’ll have to convince them somehow…

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Another Day - Part 3

(A continuation of the events of the previous page.)
I looked into the water and The Water looked into me. It’s so much more than they told me it was. I could hear her. In my head. Stretching through the ages, through the realities. 
The Fears move through the dimensions leaving chaos and disorder in their wake. They play by their own rules and humanity is nothing but their toy. No matter what universe you’re in, no matter what we try to do differently, the Fears always win. So whatever made the Fears, where ever they come from (The Water wouldn’t couldn’t tell me what that was) Whatever it is, it made a fail safe. A reset switch. Something to stop the Fears from killing or enslaving everyone. 
But it’s not what the suits think it is. The power isn’t to kill the Fears. The Reaper. The Prince. The Hound. I didn’t kill them. They just went to another reality. I made it so that they’d never existed in this world. 
But that’s not all. Slowly, so slowly it hasn’t even gotten to us yet. The Water says it’s happening faster now that I’m in The City and my influence can be everywhere at once. Slowly, this entire reality will cease to exist. That’s what this power is. It doesn’t know why the power takes a human host, but The Whispers were right. I am one of Them. I do have the power of Fear. 
I’m Nothing.

Another Day - Part 2

Oh God oh God oh God. 

I’m not the Messiah. I’m not. I’m not here to save humanity. 

The Water touched me and I knew. This has happened before. Oh God oh god ohgodoh

(The rest of the page is illegible.)

Another Day

There aren’t many of us left. Me and Mr. Smith are in relatively good health. The last three suits that are with us were wounded in the fight with The Hound. The woman seems all right, but the two men are weak and growing weaker every "day".
We are in a forest now. The trees seemed to grow from no where. 
There is a river near by and as I went to fetch water for the wounded I saw a woman. She was lovely to look at and she smiled so nicely at me. She seemed to float on the water.
She asked if I want to know what’s going on. Offered me the knowledge I need. 
How could I not accept?


The Hound is gone. 
One of the suits on this mission was marked by it. He was sent out with me the day I tried to escape and I didn’t even recognize him until today. 
We were walking through a rolling flatland. The buildings had disappeared while we were sleeping. Someone cried out that they saw something. We all stopped to look. A black dog trotted towards us. The marked suit, his name was Kyle, began to panic. If it weren’t for him, we would have let it walk right up to us.
The suits drew weapons and the dog changed. Grew. Its leg was as tall as me and it’s black fur seemed to absorb all semblance of light. Its eyes were red. I burned when they looked at me. 
The Hound.
Gun-shots started going off. I could only stand and tremble. Mr. Smith was yelling at me to do something, to get rid of it. Kyle was just yelling. The Hound ripped him to shreds with one swipe of its paw. Its claws were like swords. 
It swung its other paw and knocked back my last few defenders. 
It lowered its head and opened its jaws. Slobber dripped onto my head as the teeth began to close on me. At the first prick in my back, the hot breath and looming shadow vanished. The Hound was gone. 

I guess it's still June

Two more lost today. This is the toll for our passage through The City. Humans are its food. It must eat so that we may continue on our journey. 

I don't know that it'll be worth it.

Their names were Michael and Ross.

Still June

Another suit was lost today. We were looking for a place to camp for the “night” and two suits went to check out a building. One came running back out moments later. The building shifted away before the other could make it out. 
His name was James. 

Probably June

It’s snowing. 
Has been for… some period of time. I really need to find a way to track time in this place.
It was very sudden. One moment we were walking down the shifting, winding roads, the next we were slogging through a snow drift. 
One of the suits, her name was Annie, she started freaking out. Said she heard a child in the snowstorm. A child singing. The others warned her, told her not to go after it, but she wouldn’t listen.
So we followed Annie into the snow storm. And we found a child. A little boy standing in the driving white, singing. Twinkle twinkle little star. But there were no stars. The sky was completely whited out, everything was obscured by the snow. I couldn’t even see Annie, couldn’t see the other suits, couldn’t see Mr. Smith, all I could see was the little boy. All I could hear was the song. 
Suddenly, Annie walked out of the driving snow. I was relieved until she started walking towards me, singing that song, her eyes were black, her skin white. The Ice Prince. The Ice Prince had gotten her. 
It was as if realizing it had broken his hold, I could move again, hear. One of the suits was yelling for help. I took one step forward, then the other. I shoved Annie aside, my hand burned from the cold, but Annie vanished. 
The singing stopped. I’d frightened The Prince. The snow slowed and The Prince was standing in front of me. He looked so much like a lost little boy. My heart ached for him. He held out one small, frozen hand and I looked at it. He wanted me to join him, keep him company. 
I extended my hand towards his. The light flashed. The Ice Prince was gone and the snow had stopped falling. We were back in the shifting streets of The City.

Friday, September 14, 2012

May something

This place is so amazing.
The streets change behind us. The buildings shift as we pass. I haven’t seen the sun in… however long we’ve been here. The sky is perpetually this strange, reddish-purple hue. One of the suits called it magenta. I always thought magenta was prettier. 
So far no action. Not sure if that’s good or bad.

May 25

Guess I should explain, not like I’ve got anything better to do.
They briefed us yesterday. Me, Mr. Smith, and eight other suits are getting sent into The City. The Director said something about going on the offensive. With whatever the Whispers told me I was able to use my powers on purpose once or twice.
Mr. Smith doesn’t think I’m ready. I told him that when they put me up against The Reaper I managed pretty well, I should be able to survive in The City with nine other guys. 
They all claim to have no idea what I’m talking about. This is really getting old. Even the Director claims to have no record of The Reaper or any sort of test involving him. These guys are such bullshit. Maybe if I’m lucky The City will “eat” them all and I’ll be able to get out of this.
Apparently The City serves as a meeting place for the rest of the Fears. The Director hopes we’ll be able to run into some of them. Fight them. Win. The suits are supposed to protect me. Mr. Smith is to report back on our progress. 
I don’t know how he’s going to get communication out of The City. I didn’t think to ask. 
These people are expecting me to save them. 
I can’t let them down.

May 24

We're going into The City. 

They're taking me into The City. 

May 23

They’ve decided I’ve done enough training. The encounter with The Whispers proved that even in this facility the Fears will come after me, so they might as well make good use of me.
Great. I’m like a new toy for them to play with. 
Wow that sounds wrong… It’s clearly been way too long since I got laid if that’s where my mind’s going. Funny how you forget about things like that when your life is under constant threat from inter-dimensional murderers with superpowers. And freaks in suits.
Briefing is tomorrow. They’re moving me to another room since the gas hasn’t cleared out of my old one yet. I don’t know what it was, but apparently the gas isn’t safe for humans.
Or birds.
The suits are letting me out of the facility to bury them. At least they have some decency left. 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

May 21 - Part 2

Mr. Smith came in to “check up” on me. He was way too cheery. Wishing me a good morning and asking how I slept and did I want some coffee. I’ve been in this facility how long? And no one ever offered me a damn coffee. 
I said I was fine. Slept fine. Everything was fine. Just get me out of here and I’d be better. 
Dude pulled a fucking gun on me. Yelling about how I was being corrupted. That my powers were Fear powers. That I was one of them and I was going to betray us all. That I had to be eliminated. Oh, I was gonna show him “eliminated.”
But then something happened. The room started to fill up with gas. The voices started screaming. They were hurting my friends. Suits rushed in and dragged me and Mr. Smith from the room.
As I looked through the one-way mirror they’d been using to watch me (sick fucks) I saw something grey growing on my walls. How had I never noticed it before? As I watched, the grey mold dissolved and vanished.
Apparently I’ve had my first encounter with the Whispers.

May 21

Here comes Mr. Smith. 
The final test.
They’re going to get me out of here. 
My wonderful, wonderful friends.

May 20

I made a cup disappear today. 
The voices say I’m doing good. That I’ll pass the test. 
I thought this wasn’t a test?
This is the final test. 
They’ll be coming for me soon.

May 19

They must have speakers in here or something. Speakers in the whole facility. Speakers only I can hear. Something.
The voices keep talking to me. Everyone else says they can’t hear them. Says I’m crazy. 
They say I’m a liability.
The voices tell me that everyone in the facility is against me. That the suits want me dead. I have the power to get out of here. I just need to use it. 
The voices will teach me to use it.
If I help them.

May 18

They tell me it isn’t a test. 
But isn’t that exactly what a test would say?

May 17

I think this is another test.

May 13

Mr. Smith came by for my first evaluation today.

Apparently I passed. 

Did that mean they were gonna send me back out as Fear fodder? He doesn't know.

Of course he doesn’t.

This facility is full of assholes in suits.

May 8

The suits seem to be ignoring the fact that The Reaper pretended to be my dad, lured me out of the facility, and had his goon try to make me “embrace” him.
They just keep dragging me out for daily training.
No consideration for a man’s emotional state. None at all.
No time to mourn the fact that the father I’d been missing for twenty years has been dead for… I don’t even know. 
And now I’m just thinking… What if he never actually left? What if he fully intended to come back but something happened to him? That’s probably what the bastard wanted. To mess with my emotions, screw up my mind. 
I can’t let him.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

May 7 - Part 2

I saw my dad again. While on a run. I was bringing up the back so I just ran towards him, no one even noticed I’d left. That should have been my first clue.
He seemed to be getting farther and farther away and I just kept running after him. Climbed the fence at the end of the facility yard. I’m surprised it wasn’t electrified or anything, but in hindsight it makes perfect sense. On the other side of the fence my dad had stopped. 
I called out to him, but he just stood there, silent as the grave, and extended his arms as if inviting me for a hug. I almost closed the gap between us, driven by my childhood obsession with finding my father, but I was an adult now. He had shit to answer for. I stood my ground and asked him where he’d been all this time. What he’d been doing. Why he’d just up and left. 
And he kept standing there, arms out wide. Such bullshit. I should have known better by now.
“Embrace Him.” That’s all the guy said before he came out of nowhere and tackled me. “Embrace Him.” It was like some fucking mantra. Fortunately, I’d learned something from those combat sessions and was at least able to avoid him. Adrenaline must have really been pumping (plus the guy who attacked me was pretty underfed) because I managed to knock him into my “dad”.
Who then shimmered and became my mom before turning into some tall punk in a gasmask. I could only assume that since Mom was dead that I’d come face-to-face with The Reaper.
I heard those bastards coming up from the facility in their jeep. They’d been expecting this too. I was pissed. I was angry. I was so angry I reached for the Reaper and
Well, that power came out of nowhere and him and his little buddy were gone. Probably ran off back to his “realm” or whatever. Bastard. 
The suits picked me up, asked what I was doing outside the fence, I didn’t even answer. There’s no point. 

May 7

It wasn’t a hallucination.
It wasn’t my dad.